Shiksha, Knowledge, Learning

While living in this world, knowledge about social structures, political structures, organized industries and various forms of faiths is necessary to navigate without much problem. Along-with the above structures and organizations, some skills need to be acquired for livlihood and for living the kind of life-style one wants or wishes. The knowledge of structures gives the ability to the human to make a choice of the skill-set which person wants to become expert in. There are many other aspects also which the human need to be skilled at while that may not earn the individual a livlihood.

Capaz through it's Shiksha project or program wishes to recognize people with differentiated skill-sets prevelant in the society. It aims to empower individuals of all ages to become skillful at one skill or the other based on one's newly generated interest or long-pending interest. Shiksha wants to enable people to understand the structures clearly, so that they have informed decision making. This is very much essential at this moment because there is a flood of information and people are anxious of varied data coming out everyday. Many fake information data along-with some genuine information data is flooding the internet & MSM. When people are informed of the structures, they can easily make out & not driven un-nnecessarily by propaganda. With Shiksha people of all ages who are of previous generation and face difficulty in meeting the challenges of this information age in terms of their child's education, events around etc. Parents can get better skilled to cope with school's increasingly complex ways of educating children and they can leave their worries aside while educating their children.